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千葉:介護施設(老健)1名、東京八丈島:介護施設(特養)2名、 千葉:病院 3名、
広島:介護施設(特養)4名、高知:介護施設(特養)2名、 山口:介護施設(特養)1名、
愛媛:介護施設(介護付き有料老人ホーム)2名、 愛媛:飲食料品製造業1名、
神奈川:介護施設(介護付き有料老人ホーム)1名、 愛媛:介護施設(デイサービス付施設)1名、
神奈川:介護施設(特養)3名、東京:病院3名、 愛媛:介護施設(デイサービス付施設)2名、
大阪/京都:介護施設(デイケア)3名、 大阪/京都:介護施設(GH)3名、
茨城:介護施設(特養)1名、神奈川:介護施設(特養)1名、 長野:介護施設(特養)4名、
静岡:介護施設様(特養)4名、 大阪:介護施設(サ高住)2名、千葉:介護施設(老健)5名、
埼玉:介護施設(老健)3名、 千葉&東京:介護施設(GH)10名、 神奈川:介護施設(特養)1名、
東京:病院3名、 長野:介護施設(特養)4名、大阪:介護施設(デイサービス付施設)2名
What is the difference between specific skills and technical intern training?
The "Specific Skills" work visa is a system that was newly established by the revision of the Immigration Control and Refuge in April 2019 and is still in its infancy. (Period of stay 5 years)
The technical intern training system aims to train people to bring their skills back to their home countries, but " specific skills" accept foreign human resources who have already acquired certain vocational skills, and there is a shortage of people in Japan's growing industry. The purpose is to eliminate it. That's why even foreign human resources are ready to work!
Why are you Indonesian?
The Indonesian temperament is bright and respectful, and there are many hard-working people who resemble the Japanese mentality, so you can immediately reach out to those in need. Many people think that they should take care of their families and relatives by themselves, so there are many young people who do not have any concerns about long-term care and want to work in Japan even though they understand that it is a difficult job.
We will collaborate with Indonesian educational institutions to introduce human resources by training specializing in long-term care.
\ 選ばれる理由はここ /
Japanese instructors who have experience working in long-term care facilities and who have passed the training for beginners teach.
Please take a look at their lesson scene, where they work hard every day to work in Japan.
Since the training instructor will take care of you even after you work, you can follow up in detail.
Consistent support from job vacancies to interviews, immigration, and employment!
Rita is "altruism".
Be willing to act for others.
We are worried about the environment surrounding long-term care and begin to move.
For long-term care providers.
For foreigners who want to work in Japan.
And broadly for social and international cooperation.
I put that thought into "Rita".